West Cobb’s Best Breakfast Hotspots

Breakfast out is one of my favorite things! Most mornings are packed full of those other life things like getting kids ready for school, or planning for a listing presentation or Buyer home tour, so when I can detour and stop at one of my favorite local places for a sit down, or maybe just grabbing a biscuit, it really is a thrill!

If you’re busy like me, this list is going to be perfect for you. Here’s My list of the best breakfast hotspots in West Cobb:

• Stilesboro Biscuit – I’ve listed this one before. I don’t get there nearly often enough, especially now that I’m not eating a lot of bread, but oh the joy that fills my soul when I’m able to stop in and grab a Bacon Egg and Cheese biscuit! Oh My!!
Come N Get It – This one may be a bit of a surprise, but again, Breakfast Out . . . what can I say. I’m pretty simple. I like a nice standard 2 eggs, grits, bacon and toast. They know just how to cook the eggs!
Reveille – This is my go to if I want something besides my standard 2 eggs plate. This is my spot for homemade corned beef hash! I’d only ever had canned hash, so when they brought out this glorious plate with fresh hash I was surprised, and delighted. So not good for my healthy eating plan, but so good! BTW – Healthy eating means you eat balanced and healthy meals 90% of the time, so when you want to indulge you can!

I know there are others, but these are my picks today! I need to remember to get pictures next time I go, so that I can share them with you.

Picture of MaKay Swanson

MaKay Swanson

I'm a Baby Boomer that isn't afraid to learn new things. I love technology and Social Media and enjoy being around and learning from all people. My occupation is Real Estate sales, but I'm so much more than my job. I Love helping folks, whether it's recommending my favorite restaurants or dog groomer, or laying out the perfect plan to help you buy or sell a home. I've got you covered - Call or text any time! (404) 993-4474 Your West Cobb Influencer since 2021 Selling Real Estate in Georgia since 2001 Cobb County Resident since 1986 Atlanta Native


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