I’m sure I’m not the only one who made some sort of commitment to health and wellness this year! It can be so hard to get going after the indulgent free-for-all of the holidays… Fortunately, West Cobb has some great places that can deliver a hurts-so-good post-holiday burn
• 9Round Fitness – This one tops my list! Quick not too easy, but loads of fun. I love kicking and punching, so this was just a great release and satisfying workout. The Gym is divided into 9 stations, each one combining traditional FIT style training along with Kickboxing moves, and exercises. The best part is from start to finish, this is a 30 minute workout! If you time it right, you start right in at round 1 and work your way around. On those crowded days, you might be partnered with another member, which ramps it up if you the competitive sort who doesn’t want your partner to get more reps in than you. You will also LOVE the staff! They are there to watch and make sure your form is correct, and will often call you out for a kickboxing combination training exercise which puts all the moves together to work on your agility form and recall!
• Orange Theory – This is another tough, but satisfying workout experience. Again, there are different workouts every day and you are using equipment and your own body weight to get through the workouts. The trainers are there along with the leader board to inspire you to push a little harder and get your best workout. These workouts are scheduled and you do have to arrive at a set time, but if you can deal with a more rigid schedule you will love the atmosphere and the results! Orange Theory also has theme days, to make your class time even more fun.
• Club Pilates – Based on the technique developed by Joseph Pilates – using controlled movements and yoga type stretches, you work out in a class environment to build a stronger, more lean body. There are different levels depending on your fitness level and desired intensity.
Whether you want to Kick, Stretch or Run it out there is a place in West Cobb just waiting for you. And these are just 3 of so many in our area.
While I don’t want you to make a resolution to exercise more, because let’s face it, we do that every year. Try one of these or the others out and see how it makes you feel. If you feel great, go again, if not, try a different one, or walk the trails at Green Meadow Preserve or Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield National Park.
Let’s Get Moving! Will I see you there?