Closing Day – October 8

As a real estate professional, Closing day is always a special event. The client and I have worked together for at least 4 weeks, very often much longer, searching, writing the offer, handling negotiations, Inspections, and the myriad of issues that may come up.

We discuss loans, utilities, down payments, flooring, paint colors and so much more, and it all comes down to closing day!

This time was different! This one was special! On October 8, I was able to help one of my own children purchase their first house! Talk about a proud Mama moment!

Closing day is always fun. It usually begins with one last walk through the house and if I’m lucky, after the papers are all signed and the client has the keys, I get to take them for a nice meal.

I am grateful to work in a profession I love. Helping family and friends is just icing on the cake!

Picture of MaKay Swanson

MaKay Swanson

I'm a Baby Boomer that isn't afraid to learn new things. I love technology and Social Media and enjoy being around and learning from all people. My occupation is Real Estate sales, but I'm so much more than my job. I Love helping folks, whether it's recommending my favorite restaurants or dog groomer, or laying out the perfect plan to help you buy or sell a home. I've got you covered - Call or text any time! (404) 993-4474 Your West Cobb Influencer since 2021 Selling Real Estate in Georgia since 2001 Cobb County Resident since 1986 Atlanta Native


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