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I’m a Baby Boomer that isn’t afraid to learn new things. I love technology and Social Media and enjoy being around and learning from all people. My occupation is Real Estate sales, but I’m so much more than my job.
I Love helping folks, whether it’s recommending my favorite restaurants or dog groomer, or laying out the perfect plan to help you buy or sell a home.
I’ve got you covered – Call or text any time!
(404) 993-4474
Your West Cobb Influencer since 2021
Selling Real Estate in Georgia since 2001
Cobb County Resident since 1986
Atlanta Native
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MaKay Swanson
Specializing in West Cobb County and Metro Atlanta GA
Lic #241275
404-993-4474 – Cell
770-919-8825 – Office
Maximum One Greater Atlanta Realtors
1355 Terrell Mill Road Bldg #1464
Marietta, GA 30067
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